Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Agape Review Essay Example

Agape Review Paper Essay on Agape What do you think about what could be a book titled Love of neighbor? Perhaps some of you have already guessed that we would go about the work of the French writer Pascal Bruckner. And the question is there was good reason. When I kept asking what Im reading, and I said the name of the book. Many people immediately tried to suggest what she was. Choices were many: about God, about the sect, a beautiful love story, like a guy and a girl. In principle, each in his own way was right, but, then, same time, far from the truth . In the novel do have and the guy and the girl, not one But love no, I would not throw it high word. Perhaps, in this novel, it has no place. What did it  «Love of neighbor? is the story of a young man having all successful life attributes the beautiful wife, the smart kids, fine work in the Foreign Ministry, career prospects, true friends, but suddenly, at age 30, I realized that its not even wrong. Realizing that his only mission to give love to others! It would seem that there may be such a noble purpose in life? However, our hero gives women carnal love, the most that neither is a sin, and therefore often selling, low-lying, and yet at the same time uplifting, cleansing, devoid of self-interest We will write a custom essay sample on Agape Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Agape Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Agape Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer And, in my opinion, on the boredom and midlife crisis, when a person has, it seems, has achieved everything and does not know what to do next. You may say to me. Having said that, Sebastian (the main character, on whose behalf the narrator) was still quite young when I stepped on the slippery slope. He was just some 30 years. Yes it is. But in this case the age is not important. I do think that the years for each person goes their own way. Someone already in the 30 feels pozhivshim, sophisticated, and someone young at heart and can conquer the summit and 60 and even 70. But were talking about Sebastian. I got the impression that he behaves like a child who had just become an adult who understands that mom and dad can no longer say it is impossible, and wants to try everything. But the hero is clearly too far, and at some point you start to realize that he is no longer the way back. Ahead only gulf, marsh, where it bogged down deeper and deeper, for a tightening of others. But every man chooses his destiny. So blame the hero that he broke someones life, perhaps, not worth it. Sebastian has to go through all the circles of hell, but in spite of waking up sometimes weak attacks of pity, I think that he deserves it. He will never be able to go back upstairs, but not because they can not, but because he does not want to. And there may not always be better. Even among people who think all life friends. They can also give. And it is much older than that dirty, dissolute life that lives Sebastian The novel is read in one breath. Easy language, a good translation absolutely no complaints in this regard. And yet, the product is a whole range of emotions from disgust to aching compassion for the protagonist, who gradually, day by day turns into nothing. But in the 20-million city nobody cares about some unfortunate one ruined life. Reading at some point you realize that it is quite true story, which can occur, probably, in any large city. We often see beggars with outstretched hands in the streets, but often just pass by. By, perhaps, someones tragic fate Despite the fact that from time to time by reading a book, it is quite disgusting, and sometimes even very novel still interesting. Such works are in the literature are also needed. Besides, Im always partial to French prose. It has some kind of a special charm. The exception for me is only Michel Houellebecq. With his works, I somehow did not grow together, but everything else I read with pleasure. But, then, the same time, as soon as I turned the last page of love of neighbor of the novel, I wanted to immediately take shower to wash off all the dirt and vulgarity.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Health Administration Systems Essays

Health Administration Systems Essays Health Administration Systems Paper Health Administration Systems Paper It is a matter of fact that every organization is structured or designed according to functional areas. Organizational design can be defined as degree and type of differentiation (horizontal or vertical), mechanism of control and coordination, centralization and formalization of power. It goes without saying, if organizational structure fits to environment, it will likely to perform effectively. If organizational environment is stable that organization will be well-adapted to surrounding. Therefore, the paper discusses the organizational design or structure of Military Organization and provides recommendations for integration. 1. The primary responsibility of health system administrators is to use effectively all existing resources to provide the best patient care. As quoted, â€Å"The health administrator in Military Organizations should have an understanding of the critical balance between the administrative and clinical functions in the health care delivery system, and capability to coordinate and control programs and resources to achieve this sense of balance†.   (Burns, 2001) Nowadays health system administrations need to decide and take proper measures as to allotment of space for different medical and laboratory services; as to priorities for acquiring new medical equipment; as to need for supplementary professional and technical personnel, etc.